I like the sound of that.
It makes me feel like procrastination is an art form or something like that, it makes me feel better.
But the truth of the matter is, procrastination – it is that one thing we put off that we know we should do, because most times there is one thing, one step, one second even between procrastination and achieving something mammoth. I really believe that.
So why do we put off that one step that will ultimately take us to achieving something amazing?
We self sabotage. Limiting beliefs. I’m not good enough. All of these things. They have such a strong hold on us that they can actually stop us from achieving anything. Hōha – which in my language is, just absolutely fed up with the whole thing! To be honest!
And we could get into all sorts of things about perfectionism, wanting it to be just right but at the end of the day, they all lead back to “not good enough”.
So how do we sort this out? I’ve been asking myself this question for a while and I haven’t been able to find one thing that helps me take that next step. I want a step by step something. Something that says, do this, this and this and then I go and do it and then it fixes it. All better. Not so simple.
But what I’ve found helps is awareness in the moment. When I find myself taking the self sabotage route, I catch myself in the moment, I’m aware and I go and do that thing that is difficult because that thing is really just a next step and if we think about what is to come next after that, then we would be doing it all the time right? Yes and no – so do that, take that next step and see what happens. And keep taking that next step and the next one and the next one! And see what happens.
Success is right there, in the next moment, just take that step (tweet this).