One of the biggest challenge to doing anything is taking that first step.
And that first step can be the most scariest thing!
So many times I’ve put off things, created a mountain out of a molehill so that I didn’t have to take that first step. It’s like we put every obstacle in the way of us achieving what we want to achieve. And most of these things are the things that we have a passion and purpose for, a sure sign that we should be doing it!
So how do we get over this?
Just get started! That’s right, just get started! The Nike saying “Just Do It” is perfect at highlighting this. Take Action NOW.
So what are some of the things I do to just get started?
I’m someone who has a million ideas and so my mind at times can be stretched all over the place. But I find if I have a morning ritual, go for a walk, meditate, eat breakfast then get into my projects for the day, that generally sets me right.
I am very clear about what my purpose and vision is. This is my guiding light that keeps me on task, on track to complete the things I need to complete.
I also find that when I am really stuck and it’s difficult to get anything done (and it does happen), I just go and do something, anything. Often being in the garden works because it gets me grounded again (just like meditation), and doing menial tasks like washing dishes or folding washing.
Movement and action is key and sometimes all it takes is to just move and do something. And this usually sets me off again to complete the things I need to do. I think that is why exercise is so good because actually physically moving your body gets everything else moving and clears the pathway to put things into action.
I also love the ideas of James Clear. Take a look at his website, he is very succinct in his writing, easy to understand and his tips and tools are fantastic. He has a scientific take on creating habits and has lots of free information over at his website.
And one other thing I find really helps, especially with my busy mind (other than meditation) is to listen to awesome podcasts with my earplugs in. I find this really keeps me focused on what I need to do. It keeps me in that energy of getting things done because I am being inspired by the stories of others to keep on the path to where I want to go.
So those are a few tips to help you get started again. I would love to know how you get started on something, please let me a comment below, I would love to hear from you!
Jo x